Valentine's Day Candy Hearts

It’s Time for Valentines: Have Fun with Science

Lauren Cook Teaching Tips

Valentine’s Day is upon us. And probably like most of us, you are ready for a little break from the hum-drums of winter. Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity for that, but have you ever wondered how this holiday of love came about? According to many sources, Valentine’s Day began with the Roman festival of Lupercalia, held in mid-February. The …

Teach Science Like A Rock Star

Teach Science Like A Rock Star

Lauren Cook Teaching Tips

An elementary science teaching rock star? Not me! You can teach effectively, excite your students, and have fun yourself if you follow these four steps. First, tell a story the kids can relate to. Density seems abstract taken alone as a concept but floating on water, particularly salt water, is something many children have experienced. Tell a story (with conviction!) …

Mrs. Wigglebum and Class

Learning from Mrs. Wigglebum: Five More Things That Will Make You A Better Teacher (Part II)

Lauren Cook Teaching Tips

Last month we learned about the first five traits Mrs.Wigglebum has as an effective teacher. Here’s the other five. If only we could be like Mrs. Wigglebum as a teacher! In the Fuddlebrook School Science series, she always seems to be in the right place at the right time to offer sage advice and she always finds the teachable moment. …

The Case of the Missing Water: Students and Mrs. Wigglebum Celebrating

Learning from Mrs. Wigglebum: Five Things That Will Make You A Better Teacher (Part I)

Lauren Cook Teaching Tips

 Oh, if only we could be like Mrs. Wigglebum as a teacher! In the Fuddlebrook School Science series, she always seems to be in the right place at the right time to offer sage advice and she always finds the teachable moment. Besides that, she has purple hair. This adds to her “cool” factor. But she’s not real,  you argue, …

Do You Need a Brain Break?

Do You Need a Brain Break? Restore Focus in Your Classroom

Lauren Cook Teaching Tips

We’ve all experienced it. That time when you look at your students and realize they are not at all focused on what you are trying to teach them. The elbows are falling off tables and the heads bob as many are drifting off into the ever so needed nap. So what do you do? Part of a teacher’s repertoire should …

Take Time To Laugh

Take Time to Laugh

Lauren Cook Teaching Tips

Let’s face it; sometimes the world around us is just not that funny. In light of current events filled with Covid19, frightening weather, Ukraine, and the usual assortment of political discourse, life can be pretty frightening for a young child. That’s why it is more important than ever that educators take time daily to have a laugh with their students. …

The Mysterious Case of the Leaning Can

Small Changes Can Equal Big Results!

Lauren Cook Teaching Tips

The holidays have come to an end and we have entered into a new decade. January is a great month to reflect on looking ahead to the future and making things better. As an educator, what is your New Year’s resolution? Or for that matter, what’s your New Decade resolution? Unfortunately, the latest PISA, the Program for International Student Assessment, …