Splish, Splash…Let’s Have a Water Bash: Five Activities for Outside Water Fun!

Sherry Cook General

Summer is definitely here! It’s the perfect time to entertain with some H2O.  Kids won’t mind leaving the television or other electronic devices behind when water play becomes an option!

Five Fun Activities for Water Fun:

Homemade Water Slide
Homemade Water Slide


  • Heavy plastic or camping tarp
  • Garden hose (the hose needs to stay on)
  • Cheap shampoo to make tarp slippery

Place the plastic on a slope. Spray water on the plastic and add shampoo.

This is super simple and kids will be entertained for hours. They can learn about friction too!

Leak Proof Bag Experiment

Image: PagingFunMums.com

Leakproof Bag


  • Zip lock quart bag
  • Water
  • Sharpened pencils

Fill the plastic bag with water and seal it. Poke the pencil through one side of the bag and halfway out the other side.

What a great way to learn about polymers and have fun too!

Tin Foil Boat

Image: science4superheroes.wordpress.com

Tin Foil Boats


  • Tin Foil
  • Plastic pool or large plastic container
  • Pennies
  • Water

Kids will be instructed to make a boat with foil that will not sink and hold a cargo of pennies.  Try different shapes and sizes.

This is an open-ended activity that kids will ask to do over and over again. Not only do they learn about design, but buoyancy and density too!

Water Balloons
Water Balloon Toss

This is a summer classic, but always fun!


  • Partner for each person
  • Balloons
  • Water

Each pair starts off close together and tosses the balloon. After each successful catch, the person who made the catch takes one step back.  When the balloon pops, they are out. Last team to have a balloon (not popped) is the winner.

Painted Ice

Photo: totstoteens.co.nz

Ice Cube Painting


  • Ice cube tray
  • Food coloring
  • Short popsicle sticks
  • Water
  • White paper

Add desired color to water and put in ice cube tray to freeze. Add stick when partially frozen and continue to freeze.  Let the painting begin! Use the ice cube to paint on paper. Not only is this a great way to create art, but cool off too! Don’t forget to discuss color mixing as well.

Now let’s take it to the next level. Integrate the above activities with literature and learn the “why” behind each day’s fun. Check out the Fuddlebrook and Quirkles books, The Sled Race and Friction Fred (friction), The Mystery of the Floating Can and Density Dan (density), Zany Science Zeke (polymers), and Liza’s Colorful Tale and Colorful Caroline (color mixing).  Kids will be having so much fun, they won’t realize how much they are learning!

So have fun, get wet, and read!