Teach Science Like A Rock Star

Teach Science Like A Rock Star

Lauren Cook Teaching Tips

An elementary science teaching rock star? Not me! You can teach effectively, excite your students, and have fun yourself if you follow these four steps. First, tell a story the kids can relate to. Density seems abstract taken alone as a concept but floating on water, particularly salt water, is something many children have experienced. Tell a story (with conviction!) …

Mrs. Wigglebum and Class

Learning from Mrs. Wigglebum: Five More Things That Will Make You A Better Teacher (Part II)

Lauren Cook Teaching Tips

Last month we learned about the first five traits Mrs.Wigglebum has as an effective teacher. Here’s the other five. If only we could be like Mrs. Wigglebum as a teacher! In the Fuddlebrook School Science series, she always seems to be in the right place at the right time to offer sage advice and she always finds the teachable moment. …