Jeepers, It's Time to Check Those Peepers

Jeepers, It’s Time to Check Those Peepers

Lauren Cook General

It’s that time of year where many are preparing for the upcoming months ahead… school time! Clothes have been purchased, locker assignments made, and teachers announced… but have you had your peepers checked?

Kid Eye Exam
Did you know August is National Eye Exam month? It was founded in 1889 by Sears Optical and since then, most ophthalmologists promote eye safety throughout the entire month of August.

Don’t take those eyes for granted!  Seeing is such a big part of our lives that it requires approximately half of the brain to get involved.

Did you know???

  • Our eyes stay the same size from birth, but our nose and ears stop growing.
  • The retinas perceive the outside world as upside down. The brain flips the image for us.
  • Newborns do not produce tears. Tears don’t start flowing until babies are about 4-13 weeks old.


  • Heterochromia is the condition of having two differently colored eyes.
  • The eye muscles are the most active muscles in the body.
  • Eyes are “full on” 24/7. No warming up for them!

According to Prevent Blindness America, one in four children have vision problems that if left untreated, can affect learning ability, personality, and adjustment in school.

Some Warning Signs of Vision Problems in Kids…

  • Consistently sitting by the television or holding a book too closely
  • Squinting or tilting the head to see better
  • Frequent eye rubbing

Eye Pain

  • Sensitivity to light and/or excessive tearing
  • Complaining of headaches or tired eyes
  • Closing one eye to read, watch TV, or to see better

This month is the perfect time to read the Fuddlebrook story, The “Eyes” Have It.  Mrs. Wigglebum, the best teacher ever, turns a debate between Liza and her friends, Freddie and Bert, in to a great science lesson about eyes and how to protect them.

The Eyes Have It

As the new school year is upon us, don’t forget to check those peepers! They deserve it!