The Naughty or Nice Holiday Test
The Naughty or Nice Holiday Test


Try the Quirkles "naughty or nice" tests with a study of acids and bases.Try the experiment and follow along on the YouTube video for two fun activities that teach a great science lesson too!


To demonstrate how goldenrod paper can be used as an acid/base indicator


Goldenrod paper
Candle (to write your secret message)- small unlit birthday candles work
Cotton swabs
Two small plastic cups
Cabbage juice- you can use lemon juice or vinegar as well
Windex- or any ammonia based product


Place a piece of goldenrod paper on a table. Use the wax candle (the end without the wick) to write a secret message on the paper. Pour a small amount of ammonia in the cup. Dip a cotton swab in the ammonia water and wipe it across the secret message. Dip a second cotton swab in a cup of vinegarand wipe it across the message. See what happens!  


The ammonia on the cotton swab is a base and causes the dye in the special goldenrod paper to change to red. As a result, the wax message will appear. For an immediate change from red back to yellow, the vinegar, an acid, can be used.